Nowadays I interest with dokku. It look like awesome while working with it. As a newbee about that topic I got so many problems while working with it. In this blog post I’ll share how to solve problem about access right.
As they wrote on Github of Dokku I install it without any problem. After that I started to read tutorial I cloned ruby-rails-sample than
I used commands which they explained on tutorial.
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git remote add dokku git push dokku master |
The error which I got on my PC (Not any remote error related dokku) was
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fatal: 'ruby-rails-sample' does not appear to be a git repository fatal: Could not read from remote repository. Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists. |
I solve that problem by using command which write my public key to home/dokku.ssh/authorized_keys
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cat ~/.ssh/ | vagrant ssh -- sudo sshcommand acl-add dokku ${USER} |
I hope this will be solution also for you 🙂
It’s just a beginning this blog will be all about errors 🙂 of Dokku
For more information if you could’t fix that problem
- Also they explain here what you have to do about ssh to serve dokku