Policyd(Cluebringer) installation

In this Blog post, I’ll try to explain how to install Policyd(Cluebringer) add-on for Postfix.

Policyd is a good tool fighting with outbound spam mails. Also, it is a lightweight system that is not used so much system resources. It has so many abilities like greylisting, quota outbound mails, SPF check.

What we need to install

  • A mail server with Postfix installed
  • This post based on Debian-oriented systems. You can use also fo other distributions but there will be some changes while installing.

1 Installation

I’ll use apt-get to install some elements of Policyd


1.1 Installing some requirements for Policyd

NOTE maybe some modules installed by apt-get so if it not necessary go next

  • MySQL, PostgreSQL or SQLite


  • Net::Server >= 0.96


  • Net::CIDR


  • Config::IniFiles (debian: libconfig-inifiles-perl, rpm: perl-Config-IniFiles)


  • Cache::FastmMap (debian: libcache-fastmmap-perl, rpm: perl-Cache-FastMmap)


  • Mail::SPF (required for CheckSPF module)


1.2 To create mysql environment for Policyd

  • Policyd compatible with MySQL, PostgreSQL or SQLite. I choose Mysql for keeping datas. Documentation on official Website is out of date. Installing from there is not possible because of that I did some changes while creating a database. For these changes please follow the instruction.



Note if this for loop does not work well you have to learn your mysql version and you have to change mysql55 like mysqlXX


1.3 Cluebringer-webui Configuration

  • In this part we are going to configure web interface of Cluebringer
    • Edit cluebringer.webui




  • Link for Apache2


1.3.1 Installing Php5 mysql drivers

  • Last step


  • Now you can browse <http://IP/webui>

If you want to continue for more configurations for Policyd you can check with sources links