

Another quick blog which will save your time in order to fight with quotes and braces while writing ansible.   This piece of code allows you to put curly braces, quotes, and necessary quotes via evil-surround   Call evil-surround-edit command and press h converts   item ==> {{ item }} H […]

org-time-today is void

TLDR; After I update my org-mode version, org-time-today function has just disappeared. As an awesome coder, I did search in the old git versions of org-mode and copied this function to my cinfug! Now everything is perfect!!!

Here is full error string for better search engine indexing.

Give […]

Indent JSON file

Again fast and a useful blog post all about Emacs and JSON. Let’s assume you have a one-line JSON object. It’s really annoying to read or fix.

If you are an Emacs user. M-x json-pretty-print-buffer-ordered Tadaaaaa

Related topics http://irreal.org/blog/?p=354 http://richardlog.com/post/12743073497/pretty-printing-json-and-xml-on-mac-osx

Emacs helm select buffer

In my Emacs environment. I am using helm-mini to work with buffers. The advantages of using helm-mini, you can see the all information of helm-source-recentf, helm-source-buffers-list, helm-source-buffer-not-found together in 1 helm-buffer. After changing computer Ubuntu to Mac OS, few keyboard behaviors are changed in Emacs. One of that is choosing […]