Take notes by using Firefox?

Nowadays I feel good!


I have just found BEST note taking environment which works with org-mode. It almost took %50 percent of my effort while keeping some notes from Internet. Believe or not, it is not necessary to copy and paste after that configuration.

Name of package is org-capture http://chadok.info/firefox-org-capture/ you can get all information and download link from here.

How it’s work?

Basically, after click to button on Firefox, it force to open emacs, and it saves title of page and highlighted(marked) line on Emacs!!!


For quick start


Also after that you can refile(C-c C-w) to your related branch or save it to your regular note file.

For more configuration check M-x —> customize-group —> org-capture



Edit 1:

  • I have just find how to place cursor in correct position %? So new settings are something like that.

  • Another settings which is useful is reverse-note-order variable. Now its easy to find new notes

Edit 2:

  • I have just start to use OS X, It was really important to use that configuration on OS X. I really tried to find how to work with Emacs as daemon finally I did. I don’t know why but the same configuration didn’t work with https://emacsformacosx.com/ so I download by using brew.